

A Minor with D in bass

A Minor with D in bass ( Am/D A-/D Amin/D ). Enter a chord you would like to see the fingerings for, something like. D7 Asus GbØ7 G-7/F C#∆7 Em F°7.

AmD Chord

Am/D chord diagram. For alternate fingerings, click on the chord diagram.

AmD Guitar Chord

Variations of the different fingerings of the Am/D guitar chords are listed below. Each of these Am/D chords are listed in standard chord charts.

AmD Guitar Chords

Slash-Chord. On the left side of the slash you have a chord, on the right side the lowest tone (bass). The Am/D (say „A minor over D”) is a A minor chord ...

AmD Slashed Ukulele Chord

Am/D Slashed Ukulele Chord. Played '2203' on the soprano - Standard Tuning (GCEA). ... Don't know what a slash chord is? Read this first.


Am 指法:左手中指按4弦2品位,无名指按3弦2品位,食指按2弦1品位6、1、3三个音组成D 指法:左手食指按3弦2品,中指按1弦2品,无名指按2弦3品5、7、2三个音组成F# 即F ...

How To Play AmD Chord On Guitar (Finger Positions)

Play the Am/D chord by placing your fingers exactly where the diagram shows and strumming the correct strings. Am/D Guitar Chord Finger Positions.

Options for the chord AmD (guitar) options for the chord Am/D (la minor, over re bass) on Guitar, finger notations.

Shape of The AmD Chord

Here you can see a shape of the Am/D (A Minor with D in bass) chord. The shape diagram shows where to put which finger on the fingerboard.